Developments at SAIFM


By Karin van Wyk, CEO, SAIFM


SAIFM 4th annual Regulatory Summit 21 September 2017

The 4th Regulatory summit to be held on 21 September 2017 is themed “Next generation regulation and the role of governance in the private and public sectors”. Prof Mervyn King will deliver the keynote address covering the impact on the financial markets and financial services sector and how next generation corporate governance as embodied in the King IV report forms part of regulatory risks that must be managed in financial services firms.

Cutting edge issues such as the impact of the MiFID on South African financial markets practitioners and the disruption of the financial markets by blockchain technology will also be addressed.

Further details of the summit including the programme and sponsorship opportunities are available on

CPD Requirements for members and fellows of SAIFM

At the 2016 annual general meeting SAIFM launched its continuous professional development (CPD) programme for full members and fellows. The purpose of CPD is to ensure that members develop and maintain the professional competence necessary to provide high quality services to clients, employers and other stakeholders and to strengthen public trust in the profession. SAIFM’s Guidelines have been developed to ensure that members are able to maintain their lifelong learning and professional development in the most flexible and affordable way possible. The first year of logging CPD points commenced on 1 August 2016 and will run in three year cycles.

The SAIFM website contains the CPD Guide, the CPD policy and the CPD log form that members can use to record their verifiable and non-verifiable activities.  The SAIFM website also contains the prerequisites for the various classes of membership and the benefits of each.

SAIFM – Workshops

In line with SAIFM’s objectives of promoting professionalism in the financial markets, SAIFM offers regular workshops on a variety of financial market topics, banking, risk and regulation. For further details regarding workshops on offer, please see Should you be interested in attending one our workshops or, if you would like us to arrange an in-house workshop for you please contact Melissa Joao, who will gladly assist you.

Advertising vacancies

Companies in the financial markets increasingly recognise the efficacy and affordability of finding appropriate financial market candidates though SAIFM’s recruitment advertisements. SAIFM is thereby furthering its objectives of promoting the financial markets industry by putting financial market practitioners with the companies who need them.

Should you be interested in advertising a vacancy please contact Melissa Joao, who will gladly assist you.

New practice exam: Introduction to financial markets

Due to popular demand, a new practice exam will be introduced with effect from 1 May 2017. Students registered for the Introduction to Financial Markets module of the Registered Persons Examination will be able to purchase the practice exam should they so choose. The purpose of the practice exam is to serve as a formative assessment tool and to enhance knowledge and understanding of the learning material. Incorrect answers are indicated with an excerpt from the learning material to reinforce a particular point. A practice exam does not have the objective to coach students through an exam but to enhance and reinforce the thorough learning of the subject matter. It should therefore not be used as an alternative to studying the learning material but as a useful tool to complement knowledge and understanding.