SAIFM 2nd Regulatory Summit


SAIFM’s 2nd regulatory summit was once again a resounding success and is evidently meeting a great need in the financial services and markets for first-hand information about one of the greatest challenges the industry faces today: regulation. The summit however did not only explain regulation, it also offered solutions, technological and otherwise, to avoid non-compliance and the penalties and loss of reputation that may follow. In addition, delegates were building a network of support to provide assistance for instances when the sheer volume and complexity of the legislation becomes overwhelming. It is essential to meet the people who are responsible for the regulatory framework and discover that they are quite friendly and open to engagement with the industry. This is what SAIFM’s summits offered. We regard this event as one of the most important ways to enhance SAIFM’s objective, namely to promote professionalism in our industry. To access the slides kindly made available by our speakers, please click here.